Source code for arch.bootstrap.base

from __future__ import annotations

from import Generator as PyGenerator, Mapping, Sequence
from typing import Any, Callable, Union, cast
import warnings

import numpy as np
from numpy.random import Generator, RandomState
import pandas as pd
import scipy.stats as stats

from arch.typing import (
from arch.utility.array import DocStringInheritor, ensure2d
from arch.utility.exceptions import (

__all__ = [

    from arch.bootstrap._samplers import stationary_bootstrap_sample
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from arch.bootstrap._samplers_python import stationary_bootstrap_sample

def _get_prng_state(
    prng: Generator | RandomState,
) -> RandomStateState | Mapping[str, Any]:
    if isinstance(prng, Generator):
        return prng.bit_generator.state
        assert isinstance(prng, RandomState)
        return prng.get_state()

def _get_random_integers(
    prng: Generator | RandomState, upper: int, *, size: int = 1
) -> Int64Array:
    if isinstance(prng, Generator):
        return prng.integers(upper, size=size, dtype=np.int64)
        assert isinstance(prng, RandomState)
        return prng.randint(upper, size=size, dtype=np.int64)

def _single_optimal_block(x: Float64Array) -> tuple[float, float]:
    Compute the optimal window length for a single series

    x : ndarray
        The data to use in the optimal window estimation

    stationary : float
        Estimated optimal window length for stationary bootstrap
    circular : float
        Estimated optimal window length for circular bootstrap
    nobs = x.shape[0]
    eps = x - x.mean(0)
    b_max = np.ceil(min(3 * np.sqrt(nobs), nobs / 3))
    kn = max(5, int(np.log10(nobs)))
    m_max = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(nobs))) + kn
    # Find first collection of kn autocorrelations that are insignificant
    cv = 2 * np.sqrt(np.log10(nobs) / nobs)
    acv = np.zeros(m_max + 1)
    abs_acorr = np.zeros(m_max + 1)
    opt_m: int | None = None
    for i in range(m_max + 1):
        v1 = eps[i + 1 :] @ eps[i + 1 :]
        v2 = eps[: -(i + 1)] @ eps[: -(i + 1)]
        cross_prod = eps[i:] @ eps[: nobs - i]
        acv[i] = cross_prod / nobs
        abs_acorr[i] = np.abs(cross_prod) / np.sqrt(v1 * v2)
        if i >= kn:
            if np.all(abs_acorr[i - kn : i] < cv) and opt_m is None:
                opt_m = i - kn
    m = 2 * max(opt_m, 1) if opt_m is not None else m_max
    m = min(m, m_max)

    g = 0.0
    lr_acv = acv[0]
    for k in range(1, m + 1):
        lam = 1 if k / m <= 1 / 2 else 2 * (1 - k / m)
        g += 2 * lam * k * acv[k]
        lr_acv += 2 * lam * acv[k]
    d_sb = 2 * lr_acv**2
    d_cb = 4 / 3 * lr_acv**2
    b_sb = ((2 * g**2) / d_sb) ** (1 / 3) * nobs ** (1 / 3)
    b_cb = ((2 * g**2) / d_cb) ** (1 / 3) * nobs ** (1 / 3)
    b_sb = min(b_sb, b_max)
    b_cb = min(b_cb, b_max)
    return b_sb, b_cb

[docs] def optimal_block_length(x: ArrayLike1D | ArrayLike2D) -> pd.DataFrame: r""" Estimate optimal window length for time-series bootstraps Parameters ---------- x : array_like A one-dimensional or two-dimensional array-like. Operates columns by column if 2-dimensional. Returns ------- DataFrame A DataFrame with two columns `b_sb`, the estimated optimal block size for the Stationary Bootstrap and `b_cb`, the estimated optimal block size for the circular bootstrap. See Also -------- arch.bootstrap.StationaryBootstrap Politis and Romano's bootstrap with exp. distributed block lengths arch.bootstrap.CircularBlockBootstrap Circular (wrap-around) bootstrap Notes ----- Algorithm described in ([1]_) its correction ([2]_) depends on a tuning parameter m, which is chosen as the first value where k_n consecutive autocorrelations of x are all inside a conservative band of :math:`\pm 2\sqrt{\log_{10}(n)/n}` where n is the sample size. The maximum value of m is set to :math:`\lceil \sqrt{n} + k_n \rceil` where :math:`k_n=\max(5, \log_{10}(n))`. The block length is then computed as .. math:: b^{OPT}_i = \left(\frac{2g^2}{d_{i}} n\right)^{\frac{1}{3}} where .. math:: g & = \sum_{k=-m}^m h\left(\frac{k}{m}\right)|k|\hat{\gamma_{k}} \\ h(x) & = \min(1, 2(1-|x|)) \\ d_{i} & = c_{i} \left(\hat{\sigma}^2\right)^2 \\ \hat{\sigma}^2 & = \sum_{k=-m}^m h\left(\frac{k}{m}\right)\hat{\gamma_{k}} \\ \hat{\gamma_{i}} & = n^{-1} \sum_{k=i+1}^n \left(x_k-\bar{x}\right)\left(x_{k-i}-\bar{x}\right) \\ and the two remaining constants :math:`c_i` are 2 for the Stationary bootstrap and 4/3 for the Circular bootstrap. Some of the tuning parameters are taken from Andrew Patton's MATLAB program that computes the optimal block length. The block lengths do not match this implementation since the autocovariances and autocorrelations are all computed using the maximum sample length rather than a common sampling length. References ---------- .. [1] Dimitris N. Politis & Halbert White (2004) Automatic Block-Length Selection for the Dependent Bootstrap, Econometric Reviews, 23:1, 53-70, DOI: 10.1081/ETC-120028836. .. [2] Andrew Patton , Dimitris N. Politis & Halbert White (2009) Correction to “Automatic Block-Length Selection for the Dependent Bootstrap” by D. Politis and H. White, Econometric Reviews, 28:4, 372-375, DOI: 10.1080/07474930802459016. """ # TODO: This should use overload ensure2d definitions to know it is ndarray x_arr = np.asarray(ensure2d(np.asarray(x, dtype=float), "x"), dtype=float) opt = [_single_optimal_block(col) for col in x_arr.T] if isinstance(x, pd.DataFrame): idx = list(x.columns) elif isinstance(x, pd.Series): idx = [] else: idx = [i for i in range(x_arr.shape[1])] return pd.DataFrame(opt, index=idx, columns=["stationary", "circular"])
def _get_acceleration(jk_params: Float64Array) -> float: """ Estimates the BCa acceleration parameter using jackknife estimates of theta. Parameters ---------- jk_params : ndarray Array containing the jackknife results where row i corresponds to leaving observation i out of the sample. Returned by _loo_jackknife. Returns ------- float Value of the acceleration parameter "a" used in the BCa bootstrap. """ u = jk_params.mean() - jk_params numer = np.sum(u**3, 0) denom = 6 * (np.sum(u**2, 0) ** (3.0 / 2.0)) small = denom < (np.abs(numer) * np.finfo(np.float64).eps) if small.any(): message = "Jackknife variance estimate {jk_var} is too small to use BCa" raise RuntimeError(message.format(jk_var=denom)) a = numer / denom a = np.atleast_1d(a) return a[:, None] def _loo_jackknife( func: Callable[..., Float64Array], nobs: int, args: Sequence[ArrayLike], kwargs: dict[str, ArrayLike], extra_kwargs: dict[str, ArrayLike] | None = None, ) -> Float64Array: """ Leave one out jackknife estimation Parameters ---------- func : callable Function that computes parameters. Called using func(*args, **kwargs) nobs : int Number of observation in the data args : list List of positional inputs (arrays, Series or DataFrames) kwargs : dict List of keyword inputs (arrays, Series or DataFrames) Returns ------- ndarray Array containing the jackknife results where row i corresponds to leaving observation i out of the sample """ results = [] for i in range(nobs): items = np.r_[0:i, i + 1 : nobs] args_copy = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): args_copy.append(arg.iloc[items]) else: args_copy.append(arg[items]) kwargs_copy = {} for k, v in kwargs.items(): if isinstance(v, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): kwargs_copy[k] = v.iloc[items] else: kwargs_copy[k] = v[items] if extra_kwargs is not None: kwargs_copy.update(extra_kwargs) results.append(func(*args_copy, **kwargs_copy)) return np.array(results) def _add_extra_kwargs( kwargs: dict[str, Any], extra_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None ) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Safely add additional keyword arguments to an existing dictionary Parameters ---------- kwargs : dict Keyword argument dictionary extra_kwargs : dict, default None Keyword argument dictionary to add Returns ------- dict Keyword dictionary with added keyword arguments Notes ----- There is no checking for duplicate keys """ if extra_kwargs is None: return kwargs else: kwargs_copy = kwargs.copy() kwargs_copy.update(extra_kwargs) return kwargs_copy
[docs] class IIDBootstrap(metaclass=DocStringInheritor): """ Bootstrap using uniform resampling Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments to bootstrap seed : {Generator, RandomState, int}, optional Seed to use to ensure reproducable results. If an int, passes the value to value to ``np.random.default_rng``. If None, a fresh Generator is constructed with system-provided entropy. random_state : RandomState, optional ``RandomState`` to use to ensure reproducable results. Cannot be used with ``seed`` .. deprecated:: 5.0 The random_state keyword argument has been deprecated. Use seed instead. kwargs Keyword arguments to bootstrap Attributes ---------- data : tuple Two-element tuple with the pos_data in the first position and kw_data in the second (pos_data, kw_data) pos_data : tuple Tuple containing the positional arguments (in the order entered) kw_data : dict Dictionary containing the keyword arguments Notes ----- Supports numpy arrays and pandas Series and DataFrames. Data returned has the same type as the input date. Data entered using keyword arguments is directly accessibly as an attribute. To ensure a reproducible bootstrap, you must set the ``seed`` attribute after the bootstrap has been created. See the example below. Note that ``seed`` is a reserved keyword and any variable passed using this keyword must be an integer, a ``Generator`` or a ``RandomState``. Examples -------- Data can be accessed in a number of ways. Positional data is retained in the same order as it was entered when the bootstrap was initialized. Keyword data is available both as an attribute or using a dictionary syntax on kw_data. >>> from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap >>> from numpy.random import standard_normal >>> y = standard_normal((500, 1)) >>> x = standard_normal((500,2)) >>> z = standard_normal(500) >>> bs = IIDBootstrap(x, y=y, z=z) >>> for data in bs.bootstrap(100): ... bs_x = data[0][0] ... bs_y = data[1]['y'] ... bs_z = bs.z Set the seed if reproducibility is required >>> from numpy.random import default_rng >>> seed = default_rng(1234) >>> bs = IIDBootstrap(x, y=y, z=z, seed=seed) This is equivalent to >>> bs = IIDBootstrap(x, y=y, z=z, seed=1234) See also -------- arch.bootstrap.IndependentSamplesBootstrap """ _name = "IID Bootstrap" _common_size_required = True def __init__( self, *args: ArrayLike, random_state: RandomState | None = None, seed: None | int | Generator | RandomState = None, **kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> None: self._args = list(args) self._kwargs = kwargs self._generator: RandomState | Generator if random_state is not None: if not isinstance(random_state, RandomState): raise TypeError("random_state must be a RandomState when set.") if seed is not None: raise ValueError("random_state cannot be used with generator.") warnings.warn( "random_state is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " "The default random number generator is changing to a NumPy " "Generator. To continue using RandomState, please directly pass a " "RandomState instance using the ``generator`` keyword argument.", FutureWarning, ) _seed: None | int | RandomState | Generator = random_state else: _seed = seed if isinstance(_seed, (RandomState, Generator)): self._generator = _seed elif isinstance(_seed, (int, np.integer)): self._generator = np.random.default_rng(int(_seed)) elif _seed is None: self._generator = np.random.default_rng() else: raise TypeError( "generator keyword argument must contain a NumPy Generator or " "RandomState instance or an integer when used." ) self._initial_state = _get_prng_state(self._generator) self._check_data() if args: self._num_items = len(args[0]) elif kwargs: key = list(kwargs.keys())[0] self._num_items = len(kwargs[key]) all_args = list(args) all_args.extend([v for v in kwargs.values()]) if self._common_size_required: for arg in all_args: if len(arg) != self._num_items: raise ValueError( "All inputs must have the same number of elements in axis 0" ) self._index: BootstrapIndexT = np.arange(self._num_items) self._parameters: list[int] = [] self.pos_data: tuple[AnyArray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame, ...] = args self.kw_data: dict[str, AnyArray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame] = kwargs tuple[ tuple[AnyArray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame, ...], dict[str, AnyArray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame], ] = (self.pos_data, self.kw_data) self._base: Float64Array | None = None self._results: Float64Array | None = None self._studentized_results: Float64Array | None = None self._last_func: Callable[..., ArrayLike] | None = None for key, value in kwargs.items(): attr = getattr(self, key, None) if attr is None: self.__setattr__(key, value) else: raise ValueError(key + " is a reserved name") def __str__(self) -> str: txt = self._name txt += "(no. pos. inputs: " + str(len(self.pos_data)) txt += ", no. keyword inputs: " + str(len(self.kw_data)) + ")" return txt def __repr__(self) -> str: return self.__str__()[:-1] + ", ID: " + hex(id(self)) + ")" def _repr_html(self) -> str: html = "<strong>" + self._name + "</strong>(" html += "<strong>no. pos. inputs</strong>: " + str(len(self.pos_data)) html += ", <strong>no. keyword inputs</strong>: " + str(len(self.kw_data)) html += ", <strong>ID</strong>: " + hex(id(self)) + ")" return html @property def generator(self) -> Generator | RandomState: """ Set or get the instance PRNG Parameters ---------- seed : {Generator, RandomState}, optional Generator or RandomState used to produce the pseudo-random values used in the bootstrap Returns ------- {Generator, RandomState} The instance of the Generator or RandomState instance used by bootstrap """ return self._generator @generator.setter def generator(self, value: Generator | RandomState) -> None: if not isinstance(value, (Generator, RandomState)): raise TypeError("Only a Generator or RandomState can be set") self._generator = value @property def random_state(self) -> Generator | RandomState: """ Set or get the instance random state Parameters ---------- random_state : RandomState RandomState instance used by bootstrap Returns ------- RandomState RandomState instance used by bootstrap """ warnings.warn( "The random_state property is deprecated and will be removed in a " "future version. Use seed instead", FutureWarning, ) return self._generator @random_state.setter def random_state(self, random_state: RandomState) -> None: warnings.warn( "The random_state property is deprecated and will be removed in a " "future version. Use seed instead", FutureWarning, ) if not isinstance(random_state, (Generator, RandomState)): raise TypeError("Value being set must be a Generator or a RandomState") self._generator = random_state @property def index(self) -> BootstrapIndexT: """ The current index of the bootstrap """ return self._index @property def state(self) -> RandomStateState | Mapping[str, Any]: """ Set or get the generator's state Returns ------- {tuple, dict} A tuple or dictionary containing the generator's state. If using a ``RandomState``, the value returned is a tuple. Otherwise it is a dictionary. """ if isinstance(self._generator, Generator): return self._generator.bit_generator.state else: assert isinstance(self._generator, RandomState) return self._generator.get_state() @state.setter def state(self, value: RandomStateState | Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: if isinstance(self._generator, Generator): assert isinstance(value, Mapping) self._generator.bit_generator.state = value else: assert isinstance(self._generator, RandomState) self._generator.set_state(cast(RandomStateState, value))
[docs] def get_state(self) -> RandomStateState | Mapping[str, Any]: """ Gets the state of the bootstrap's random number generator Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the state. """ warnings.warn( "get_state is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " "Use the state property instead.", FutureWarning, ) return _get_prng_state(self._generator)
[docs] def set_state(self, state: RandomStateState | dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ Sets the state of the bootstrap's random number generator Parameters ---------- state : dict Dictionary or tuple containing the state. """ warnings.warn( "get_state is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " "Use the state property instead.", FutureWarning, ) if isinstance(self._generator, Generator): assert isinstance(state, Mapping) self._generator.bit_generator.state = state else: assert isinstance(self._generator, RandomState) self._generator.set_state(state)
[docs] def seed(self, value: int | list[int] | Uint32Array) -> None: """ Reseeds the bootstrap's random number generator Parameters ---------- value : {int, List[int], ndarray} Value to use as the seed. """ warnings.warn( "seed is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " "Set the seed when creating the bootstrap.", FutureWarning, ) self._seed = value if isinstance(self._generator, Generator): bit_gen = self._generator.bit_generator.__class__ self._generator.bit_generator.state = bit_gen(value).state else: assert isinstance(self._generator, RandomState) self._generator.seed(value)
[docs] def reset(self, use_seed: bool = True) -> None: """ Resets the bootstrap to either its initial state or the last seed. Parameters ---------- use_seed : bool, default True Flag indicating whether to use the last seed if provided. If False or if no seed has been set, the bootstrap will be reset to the initial state. Default is True """ self._index = np.arange(self._num_items) self._resample() self.state = self._initial_state
[docs] def bootstrap( self, reps: int ) -> PyGenerator[tuple[tuple[ArrayLike, ...], dict[str, ArrayLike]], None, None]: """ Iterator for use when bootstrapping Parameters ---------- reps : int Number of bootstrap replications Returns ------- generator Generator to iterate over in bootstrap calculations Examples -------- The key steps are problem dependent and so this example shows the use as an iterator that does not produce any output >>> from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap >>> import numpy as np >>> bs = IIDBootstrap(np.arange(100), x=np.random.randn(100)) >>> for posdata, kwdata in bs.bootstrap(1000): ... # Do something with the positional data and/or keyword data ... pass .. note:: Note this is a generic example and so the class used should be the name of the required bootstrap Notes ----- The iterator returns a tuple containing the data entered in positional arguments as a tuple and the data entered using keywords as a dictionary """ for _ in range(reps): self._index = self.update_indices() yield self._resample()
[docs] def conf_int( self, func: Callable[..., Float64Array], reps: int = 1000, method: Literal[ "basic", "percentile", "studentized", "norm", "bc", "bca" ] = "basic", size: float = 0.95, tail: Literal["two", "upper", "lower"] = "two", extra_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, reuse: bool = False, sampling: Literal[ "nonparametric", "semi-parametric", "semi", "parametric", "semiparametric" ] = "nonparametric", std_err_func: Callable[..., ArrayLike] | None = None, studentize_reps: int = 1000, ) -> Float64Array: """ Parameters ---------- func : callable Function the computes parameter values. See Notes for requirements reps : int, default 1000 Number of bootstrap replications method : str, default "basic" One of 'basic', 'percentile', 'studentized', 'norm' (identical to 'var', 'cov'), 'bc' (identical to 'debiased', 'bias-corrected'), or 'bca' size : float, default 0.95 Coverage of confidence interval tail : str, default "two" One of 'two', 'upper' or 'lower'. reuse : bool, default False Flag indicating whether to reuse previously computed bootstrap results. This allows alternative methods to be compared without rerunning the bootstrap simulation. Reuse is ignored if reps is not the same across multiple runs, func changes across calls, or method is 'studentized'. sampling : str, default "nonparametric" Type of sampling to use: 'nonparametric', 'semi-parametric' (or 'semi') or 'parametric'. The default is 'nonparametric'. See notes about the changes to func required when using 'semi' or 'parametric'. extra_kwargs : dict, default None Extra keyword arguments to use when calling func and std_err_func, when appropriate std_err_func : callable, default None Function to use when standardizing estimated parameters when using the studentized bootstrap. Providing an analytical function eliminates the need for a nested bootstrap studentize_reps : int, default 1000 Number of bootstraps to use in the inner bootstrap when using the studentized bootstrap. Ignored when ``std_err_func`` is provided Returns ------- ndarray Computed confidence interval. Row 0 contains the lower bounds, and row 1 contains the upper bounds. Each column corresponds to a parameter. When tail is 'lower', all upper bounds are inf. Similarly, 'upper' sets all lower bounds to -inf. Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> def func(x): ... return x.mean(0) >>> y = np.random.randn(1000, 2) >>> from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap >>> bs = IIDBootstrap(y) >>> ci = bs.conf_int(func, 1000) Notes ----- When there are no extra keyword arguments, the function is called .. code:: python func(*args, **kwargs) where args and kwargs are the bootstrap version of the data provided when setting up the bootstrap. When extra keyword arguments are used, these are appended to kwargs before calling func. The standard error function, if provided, must return a vector of parameter standard errors and is called .. code:: python std_err_func(params, *args, **kwargs) where ``params`` is the vector of estimated parameters using the same bootstrap data as in args and kwargs. The bootstraps are: * 'basic' - Basic confidence using the estimated parameter and difference between the estimated parameter and the bootstrap parameters * 'percentile' - Direct use of bootstrap percentiles * 'norm' - Makes use of normal approximation and bootstrap covariance estimator * 'studentized' - Uses either a standard error function or a nested bootstrap to estimate percentiles and the bootstrap covariance for scale * 'bc' - Bias corrected using estimate bootstrap bias correction * 'bca' - Bias corrected and accelerated, adding acceleration parameter to 'bc' method """ studentized = "studentized" if not 0.0 < size < 1.0: raise ValueError("size must be strictly between 0 and 1") tail_name = tail.lower() if tail_name not in ("two", "lower", "upper"): raise ValueError("tail must be one of two-sided, lower or upper") studentize_reps = studentize_reps if method == studentized else 0 if sampling in ("semi", "semi-parametric", "semiparametric"): sampling = "semiparametric" else: if sampling not in ("nonparametric", "parametric"): raise ValueError( 'sampling must be one of "nonparametric", "parametric", "semi", ' '"semi-parametric", or "semiparametric"' ) _reuse = False if reuse: # check conditions for reuse _reuse = ( self._results is not None and len(self._results) == reps and method != studentized and self._last_func is func ) if not _reuse: if reuse: warn = ( "The conditions to reuse the previous bootstrap has " "not been satisfied. A new bootstrap will be used." ) warnings.warn(warn, RuntimeWarning) self._construct_bootstrap_estimates( func, reps, extra_kwargs, std_err_func=std_err_func, studentize_reps=studentize_reps, # noqa sampling=sampling, ) base, results = self._base, self._results assert results is not None assert base is not None studentized_results = self._studentized_results std_err = np.empty((0,)) if method in ("norm", "var", "cov", studentized): errors = results - results.mean(axis=0) std_err = np.asarray(np.sqrt(np.diag( / reps))) if tail_name == "two": alpha = (1.0 - size) / 2 else: alpha = 1.0 - size nreps = 1 if not base.shape else base.shape[0] percentiles = np.array([[alpha, 1.0 - alpha]] * nreps) norm_quantiles = stats.norm.ppf(percentiles) if method in ("norm", "var", "cov"): lower = base + norm_quantiles[:, 0] * std_err upper = base + norm_quantiles[:, 1] * std_err elif method in ( "percentile", "basic", studentized, "debiased", "bc", "bias-corrected", "bca", ): values = results if method == studentized: # studentized uses studentized parameter estimates values = cast(Float64Array, studentized_results) if method in ("debiased", "bc", "bias-corrected", "bca"): # bias corrected uses modified percentiles, but is # otherwise identical to the percentile method b = self._bca_bias() if method == "bca": lens = [len(arg) for arg in self._args] + [ len(kwarg) for kwarg in self._kwargs.values() ] if min(lens) != max(lens): raise ValueError( "BCa cannot be applied to statistics " "computed from datasets with " "different lengths" ) a = self._bca_acceleration(func, extra_kwargs) else: a = 0.0 percentiles = stats.norm.cdf( b + (b + norm_quantiles) / (1.0 - a * (b + norm_quantiles)) ) percentiles *= 100 else: percentiles = np.array([100 * p for p in percentiles]) # Rescale k = values.shape[1] lower = np.zeros(k) upper = np.zeros(k) for i in range(k): lower[i], upper[i] = np.percentile(values[:, i], list(percentiles[i])) # Basic and studentized use the lower empirical quantile to # compute upper and vice versa. Bias corrected and percentile use # upper to estimate the upper, and lower to estimate the lower if method == "basic": lower_copy = lower + 0.0 lower = 2.0 * base - upper upper = 2.0 * base - lower_copy elif method == studentized: lower_copy = lower + 0.0 lower = base - upper * std_err upper = base - lower_copy * std_err else: raise ValueError("Unknown method") if tail_name == "lower": upper = np.zeros_like(base) upper.fill(np.inf) elif tail_name == "upper": lower = np.zeros_like(base) lower.fill(-1 * np.inf) return np.vstack((lower, upper))
def _check_data(self) -> None: supported = (np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series) for i, arg in enumerate(self._args): if not isinstance(arg, supported): raise TypeError(arg_type_error.format(i=i, arg_type=type(arg))) for key in self._kwargs: if not isinstance(self._kwargs[key], supported): arg_type = type(self._kwargs[key]) raise TypeError(kwarg_type_error.format(key=key, arg_type=arg_type)) def _bca_bias(self) -> Float64Array: assert self._results is not None assert self._base is not None p = (self._results < self._base).mean(axis=0) if p.min() <= 0.0 or p.max() >= 1.0: raise RuntimeError( "Empirical probability used in bias correction is 0 or 1, and so" "bias cannot be corrected. This may occur in extremum statistics " "that are not well approximated by a normal in a finite sample." ) b = stats.norm.ppf(p) return b[:, None] def _bca_acceleration( self, func: Callable[..., Float64Array], extra_kwags: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> float: nobs = self._num_items jk_params = _loo_jackknife(func, nobs, self._args, self._kwargs, extra_kwags) return _get_acceleration(jk_params)
[docs] def clone( self, *args: ArrayLike, seed: None | int | Generator | RandomState = None, **kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> IIDBootstrap: """ Clones the bootstrap using different data with a fresh prng. Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments to bootstrap seed The seed value to pass to the closed generator kwargs Keyword arguments to bootstrap Returns ------- bs Bootstrap instance """ bs = self.__class__(*args, random_state=None, seed=seed, **kwargs) return bs
[docs] def apply( self, func: Callable[..., ArrayLike], reps: int = 1000, extra_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> Float64Array: """ Applies a function to bootstrap replicated data Parameters ---------- func : callable Function the computes parameter values. See Notes for requirements reps : int, default 1000 Number of bootstrap replications extra_kwargs : dict, default None Extra keyword arguments to use when calling func. Must not conflict with keyword arguments used to initialize bootstrap Returns ------- ndarray reps by nparam array of computed function values where each row corresponds to a bootstrap iteration Notes ----- When there are no extra keyword arguments, the function is called .. code:: python func(params, *args, **kwargs) where args and kwargs are the bootstrap version of the data provided when setting up the bootstrap. When extra keyword arguments are used, these are appended to kwargs before calling func Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> x = np.random.randn(1000,2) >>> from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap >>> bs = IIDBootstrap(x) >>> def func(y): ... return y.mean(0) >>> results = bs.apply(func, 100) """ kwargs = _add_extra_kwargs(self._kwargs, extra_kwargs) base = func(*self._args, **kwargs) try: num_params = base.shape[0] except (IndexError, AttributeError): num_params = 1 results = np.zeros((reps, num_params)) count = 0 for pos_data, kw_data in self.bootstrap(reps): kwargs = _add_extra_kwargs(kw_data, extra_kwargs) results[count] = func(*pos_data, **kwargs) count += 1 return results
def _construct_bootstrap_estimates( self, func: Callable[..., ArrayLike], reps: int, extra_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, std_err_func: Callable[..., ArrayLike] | None = None, studentize_reps: int = 0, sampling: Literal[ "nonparametric", "semi-parametric", "semi", "parametric", "semiparametric" ] = "nonparametric", ) -> None: eps = np.finfo(np.double).eps # Private, more complicated version of apply self._last_func = func semi = parametric = False if sampling == "parametric": parametric = True elif sampling == "semiparametric": semi = True if extra_kwargs is not None: if any(k in self._kwargs for k in extra_kwargs): raise ValueError( "extra_kwargs contains keys used for variable" " names in the bootstrap" ) kwargs = _add_extra_kwargs(self._kwargs, extra_kwargs) base = func(*self._args, **kwargs) num_params = 1 if np.isscalar(base) else base.shape[0] results = np.zeros((reps, num_params)) studentized_results = np.zeros((reps, num_params)) count = 0 for pos_data, kw_data in self.bootstrap(reps): kwargs = _add_extra_kwargs(kw_data, extra_kwargs) if parametric: kwargs["state"] = self._generator kwargs["params"] = base elif semi: kwargs["params"] = base results[count] = func(*pos_data, **kwargs) if std_err_func is not None: std_err = std_err_func(results[count], *pos_data, **kwargs) studentized_results[count] = (results[count] - base) / std_err elif studentize_reps > 0: # Set the seed to ensure reproducibility seed = _get_random_integers(self._generator, 2**31 - 1, size=1) # Need new bootstrap of same type nested_bs = self.clone(*pos_data, **kw_data, seed=seed[0]) cov = nested_bs.cov(func, studentize_reps, extra_kwargs=extra_kwargs) std_err = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) err = results[count] - base if np.any(std_err <= (eps * np.abs(err))): raise StudentizationError(studentization_error.format(cov=cov)) studentized_results[count] = err / std_err count += 1 self._base = np.asarray(base) self._results = np.asarray(results) self._studentized_results = np.asarray(studentized_results)
[docs] def cov( self, func: Callable[..., ArrayLike], reps: int = 1000, recenter: bool = True, extra_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> float | Float64Array: """ Compute parameter covariance using bootstrap Parameters ---------- func : callable Callable function that returns the statistic of interest as a 1-d array reps : int, default 1000 Number of bootstrap replications recenter : bool, default True Whether to center the bootstrap variance estimator on the average of the bootstrap samples (True) or to center on the original sample estimate (False). Default is True. extra_kwargs : dict, default None Dictionary of extra keyword arguments to pass to func Returns ------- ndarray Bootstrap covariance estimator Notes ----- func must have the signature .. code:: python func(params, *args, **kwargs) where params are a 1-dimensional array, and `*args` and `**kwargs` are data used in the the bootstrap. The first argument, params, will be none when called using the original data, and will contain the estimate computed using the original data in bootstrap replications. This parameter is passed to allow parametric bootstrap simulation. Examples -------- Bootstrap covariance of the mean >>> from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap >>> import numpy as np >>> def func(x): ... return x.mean(axis=0) >>> y = np.random.randn(1000, 3) >>> bs = IIDBootstrap(y) >>> cov = bs.cov(func, 1000) Bootstrap covariance using a function that takes additional input >>> def func(x, stat='mean'): ... if stat=='mean': ... return x.mean(axis=0) ... elif stat=='var': ... return x.var(axis=0) >>> cov = bs.cov(func, 1000, extra_kwargs={'stat':'var'}) .. note:: Note this is a generic example and so the class used should be the name of the required bootstrap """ self._construct_bootstrap_estimates(func, reps, extra_kwargs) base, results = self._base, self._results assert results is not None assert base is not None if recenter: errors = results - np.mean(results, 0) else: errors = results - base return / reps
[docs] def var( self, func: Callable[..., ArrayLike], reps: int = 1000, recenter: bool = True, extra_kwargs: dict[str, Any] | None = None, ) -> float | Float64Array: """ Compute parameter variance using bootstrap Parameters ---------- func : callable Callable function that returns the statistic of interest as a 1-d array reps : int, default 1000 Number of bootstrap replications recenter : bool, default True Whether to center the bootstrap variance estimator on the average of the bootstrap samples (True) or to center on the original sample estimate (False). Default is True. extra_kwargs: dict, default None Dictionary of extra keyword arguments to pass to func Returns ------- ndarray Bootstrap variance estimator Notes ----- func must have the signature .. code:: python func(params, *args, **kwargs) where params are a 1-dimensional array, and `*args` and `**kwargs` are data used in the the bootstrap. The first argument, params, will be none when called using the original data, and will contain the estimate computed using the original data in bootstrap replications. This parameter is passed to allow parametric bootstrap simulation. Examples -------- Bootstrap covariance of the mean >>> from arch.bootstrap import IIDBootstrap >>> import numpy as np >>> def func(x): ... return x.mean(axis=0) >>> y = np.random.randn(1000, 3) >>> bs = IIDBootstrap(y) >>> variances = bs.var(func, 1000) Bootstrap covariance using a function that takes additional input >>> def func(x, stat='mean'): ... if stat=='mean': ... return x.mean(axis=0) ... elif stat=='var': ... return x.var(axis=0) >>> variances = bs.var(func, 1000, extra_kwargs={'stat': 'var'}) .. note:: Note this is a generic example and so the class used should be the name of the required bootstrap """ self._construct_bootstrap_estimates(func, reps, extra_kwargs) base, results = self._base, self._results assert results is not None assert base is not None if recenter: errors = results - np.mean(results, 0) else: errors = results - base return (errors**2).sum(0) / reps
[docs] def update_indices(self) -> BootstrapIndexT: """ Update indices for the next iteration of the bootstrap. This must be overridden when creating new bootstraps. """ return _get_random_integers( self._generator, self._num_items, size=self._num_items )
def _resample(self) -> tuple[tuple[ArrayLike, ...], dict[str, ArrayLike]]: """ Resample all data using the values in _index """ indices = cast(Union[Int64Array, tuple[Int64Array, ...]], self._index) pos_data: list[NDArray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame] = [] for values in self._args: if isinstance(values, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): assert isinstance(indices, NDArray) pos_data.append(values.iloc[indices]) else: assert isinstance(values, np.ndarray) pos_data.append(values[indices]) named_data: dict[str, NDArray | pd.Series | pd.DataFrame] = {} for key, values in self._kwargs.items(): if isinstance(values, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): assert isinstance(indices, NDArray) named_data[key] = values.iloc[indices] else: assert isinstance(values, np.ndarray) named_data[key] = values[indices] setattr(self, key, named_data[key]) self.pos_data = tuple(pos_data) self.kw_data = named_data = (self.pos_data, self.kw_data) return
[docs] class IndependentSamplesBootstrap(IIDBootstrap): """ Bootstrap where each input is independently resampled Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments to bootstrap kwargs Keyword arguments to bootstrap Attributes ---------- data : tuple Two-element tuple with the pos_data in the first position and kw_data in the second (pos_data, kw_data) pos_data : tuple Tuple containing the positional arguments (in the order entered) kw_data : dict Dictionary containing the keyword arguments Notes ----- This bootstrap independently resamples each input and so is only appropriate when the inputs are independent. This structure allows bootstrapping statistics that depend on samples with unequal length, as is common in some experiments. If data have cross-sectional dependence, so that observation ``i`` is related across all inputs, this bootstrap is inappropriate. Supports numpy arrays and pandas Series and DataFrames. Data returned has the same type as the input date. Data entered using keyword arguments is directly accessibly as an attribute. To ensure a reproducible bootstrap, you must set the ``random_state`` attribute after the bootstrap has been created. See the example below. Note that ``random_state`` is a reserved keyword and any variable passed using this keyword must be an instance of ``RandomState``. Examples -------- Data can be accessed in a number of ways. Positional data is retained in the same order as it was entered when the bootstrap was initialized. Keyword data is available both as an attribute or using a dictionary syntax on kw_data. >>> from arch.bootstrap import IndependentSamplesBootstrap >>> from numpy.random import standard_normal >>> y = standard_normal(500) >>> x = standard_normal(200) >>> z = standard_normal(2000) >>> bs = IndependentSamplesBootstrap(x, y=y, z=z) >>> for data in bs.bootstrap(100): ... bs_x = data[0][0] ... bs_y = data[1]['y'] ... bs_z = bs.z Set the random_state if reproducibility is required >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> rs = RandomState(1234) >>> bs = IndependentSamplesBootstrap(x, y=y, z=z, random_state=rs) See also -------- arch.bootstrap.IIDBootstrap """ _common_size_required = False _name = "Heterogeneous IID Bootstrap" def __init__( self, *args: ArrayLike, random_state: RandomState | None = None, seed: None | int | Generator | RandomState = None, **kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> None: super().__init__(*args, random_state=random_state, seed=seed, **kwargs) self._num_args = len(args) self._num_arg_items = [len(arg) for arg in args] self._num_kw_items = {key: len(kwargs[key]) for key in self._kwargs}
[docs] def update_indices( self, ) -> tuple[list[Int64Array], dict[str, Int64Array]]: """ Update indices for the next iteration of the bootstrap. This must be overridden when creating new bootstraps. """ pos_indices = [ _get_random_integers( self._generator, self._num_arg_items[i], size=self._num_arg_items[i] ) for i in range(self._num_args) ] kw_indices = { key: _get_random_integers( self._generator, self._num_kw_items[key], size=self._num_kw_items[key] ) for key in self._kwargs } return pos_indices, kw_indices
@property def index(self) -> BootstrapIndexT: """ Returns the current index of the bootstrap Returns ------- tuple[list[ndarray], dict[str, ndarray]] 2-element tuple containing a list and a dictionary. The list contains indices for each of the positional arguments. The dictionary contains the indices of keyword arguments. """ return self._index
[docs] def reset(self, use_seed: bool = True) -> None: """ Resets the bootstrap to either its initial state or the last seed. Parameters ---------- use_seed : bool, default True Flag indicating whether to use the last seed if provided. If False or if no seed has been set, the bootstrap will be reset to the initial state. Default is True """ pos_indices = [np.arange(self._num_arg_items[i]) for i in range(self._num_args)] kw_indices = {key: np.arange(self._num_kw_items[key]) for key in self._kwargs} self._index = pos_indices, kw_indices self._resample() self.state = self._initial_state
def _resample(self) -> tuple[tuple[ArrayLike, ...], dict[str, ArrayLike]]: """ Resample all data using the values in _index """ pos_indices, kw_indices = cast( tuple[list[Int64Array], dict[str, Int64Array]], self._index ) pos_data: list[np.ndarray | pd.DataFrame | pd.Series] = [] for i, values in enumerate(self._args): if isinstance(values, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): pos_data.append(values.iloc[pos_indices[i]]) else: assert isinstance(values, np.ndarray) pos_data.append(values[pos_indices[i]]) named_data: dict[str, pd.DataFrame | pd.Series | AnyArray] = {} for key, values in self._kwargs.items(): idx = kw_indices[key] if isinstance(values, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)): named_data[key] = values.iloc[idx] else: assert isinstance(values, np.ndarray) named_data[key] = values[idx] setattr(self, key, named_data[key]) self.pos_data = tuple(pos_data) self.kw_data = named_data = (self.pos_data, named_data) return
[docs] class CircularBlockBootstrap(IIDBootstrap): """ Bootstrap using blocks of the same length with end-to-start wrap around Parameters ---------- block_size : int Size of block to use args Positional arguments to bootstrap seed : {Generator, RandomState, int}, optional Seed to use to ensure reproducable results. If an int, passes the value to value to ``np.random.default_rng``. If None, a fresh Generator is constructed with system-provided entropy. random_state : RandomState, optional ``RandomState`` to use to ensure reproducable results. Cannot be used with ``seed`` .. deprecated:: 5.0 The random_state keyword argument has been deprecated. Use seed instead. kwargs Keyword arguments to bootstrap Attributes ---------- data : tuple Two-element tuple with the pos_data in the first position and kw_data in the second (pos_data, kw_data) pos_data : tuple Tuple containing the positional arguments (in the order entered) kw_data : dict Dictionary containing the keyword arguments Notes ----- Supports numpy arrays and pandas Series and DataFrames. Data returned has the same type as the input date. Data entered using keyword arguments is directly accessibly as an attribute. To ensure a reproducible bootstrap, you must set the ``random_state`` attribute after the bootstrap has been created. See the example below. Note that ``random_state`` is a reserved keyword and any variable passed using this keyword must be an instance of ``RandomState``. See Also -------- arch.bootstrap.optimal_block_length Optimal block length estimation arch.bootstrap.StationaryBootstrap Politis and Romano's bootstrap with exp. distributed block lengths Examples -------- Data can be accessed in a number of ways. Positional data is retained in the same order as it was entered when the bootstrap was initialized. Keyword data is available both as an attribute or using a dictionary syntax on kw_data. >>> from arch.bootstrap import CircularBlockBootstrap >>> from numpy.random import standard_normal >>> y = standard_normal((500, 1)) >>> x = standard_normal((500, 2)) >>> z = standard_normal(500) >>> bs = CircularBlockBootstrap(17, x, y=y, z=z) >>> for data in bs.bootstrap(100): ... bs_x = data[0][0] ... bs_y = data[1]['y'] ... bs_z = bs.z Set the random_state if reproducibility is required >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> rs = RandomState(1234) >>> bs = CircularBlockBootstrap(17, x, y=y, z=z, random_state=rs) """ _name = "Circular Block Bootstrap" def __init__( self, block_size: int, *args: ArrayLike, random_state: RandomState | None = None, seed: None | int | Generator | RandomState = None, **kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> None: super().__init__(*args, random_state=random_state, seed=seed, **kwargs) self.block_size: int = block_size self._parameters = [block_size]
[docs] def clone( self, *args: ArrayLike, seed: None | int | Generator | RandomState = None, **kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> CircularBlockBootstrap: """ Clones the bootstrap using different data with a fresh prng. Parameters ---------- args Positional arguments to bootstrap seed The seed value to pass to the closed generator kwargs Keyword arguments to bootstrap Returns ------- bs Bootstrap instance """ block_size = self._parameters[0] return self.__class__(block_size, *args, random_state=None, seed=seed, **kwargs)
def __str__(self) -> str: txt = self._name txt += "(block size: " + str(self.block_size) txt += ", no. pos. inputs: " + str(len(self.pos_data)) txt += ", no. keyword inputs: " + str(len(self.kw_data)) + ")" return txt def _repr_html(self) -> str: html = "<strong>" + self._name + "</strong>(" html += "<strong>block size</strong>: " + str(self.block_size) html += ", <strong>no. pos. inputs</strong>: " + str(len(self.pos_data)) html += ", <strong>no. keyword inputs</strong>: " + str(len(self.kw_data)) html += ", <strong>ID</strong>: " + hex(id(self)) + ")" return html
[docs] def update_indices(self) -> Int64Array: num_blocks = self._num_items // self.block_size if num_blocks * self.block_size < self._num_items: num_blocks += 1 indices = _get_random_integers( self._generator, self._num_items, size=num_blocks ) indices = indices[:, None] + np.arange(self.block_size) indices = indices.flatten() indices %= self._num_items if indices.shape[0] > self._num_items: return indices[: self._num_items] else: return indices
[docs] class StationaryBootstrap(CircularBlockBootstrap): """ Politis and Romano (1994) bootstrap with expon distributed block sizes Parameters ---------- block_size : int Average size of block to use args Positional arguments to bootstrap seed : {Generator, RandomState, int}, optional Seed to use to ensure reproducable results. If an int, passes the value to value to ``np.random.default_rng``. If None, a fresh Generator is constructed with system-provided entropy. random_state : RandomState, optional ``RandomState`` to use to ensure reproducable results. Cannot be used with ``seed`` .. deprecated:: 5.0 The random_state keyword argument has been deprecated. Use seed instead. kwargs Keyword arguments to bootstrap Attributes ---------- data : tuple Two-element tuple with the pos_data in the first position and kw_data in the second (pos_data, kw_data) pos_data : tuple Tuple containing the positional arguments (in the order entered) kw_data : dict Dictionary containing the keyword arguments Notes ----- Supports numpy arrays and pandas Series and DataFrames. Data returned has the same type as the input date. Data entered using keyword arguments is directly accessibly as an attribute. To ensure a reproducible bootstrap, you must set the ``random_state`` attribute after the bootstrap has been created. See the example below. Note that ``random_state`` is a reserved keyword and any variable passed using this keyword must be an instance of ``RandomState``. See Also -------- arch.bootstrap.optimal_block_length Optimal block length estimation arch.bootstrap.CircularBlockBootstrap Circular (wrap-around) bootstrap Examples -------- Data can be accessed in a number of ways. Positional data is retained in the same order as it was entered when the bootstrap was initialized. Keyword data is available both as an attribute or using a dictionary syntax on kw_data. >>> from arch.bootstrap import StationaryBootstrap >>> from numpy.random import standard_normal >>> y = standard_normal((500, 1)) >>> x = standard_normal((500,2)) >>> z = standard_normal(500) >>> bs = StationaryBootstrap(12, x, y=y, z=z) >>> for data in bs.bootstrap(100): ... bs_x = data[0][0] ... bs_y = data[1]['y'] ... bs_z = bs.z Set the random_state if reproducibility is required >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> rs = RandomState(1234) >>> bs = StationaryBootstrap(12, x, y=y, z=z, random_state=rs) """ _name = "Stationary Bootstrap" def __init__( self, block_size: int, *args: ArrayLike, random_state: RandomState | None = None, seed: None | int | Generator | RandomState = None, **kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> None: super().__init__( block_size, *args, random_state=random_state, seed=seed, **kwargs ) self._p = 1.0 / block_size
[docs] def update_indices(self) -> Int64Array: indices = _get_random_integers( self._generator, self._num_items, size=self._num_items ) indices = indices.astype(np.int64) if isinstance(self._generator, Generator): u = self._generator.random(self._num_items) else: assert isinstance(self._generator, RandomState) u = self._generator.random_sample(self._num_items) return stationary_bootstrap_sample(indices, u, self._p)
[docs] class MovingBlockBootstrap(CircularBlockBootstrap): """ Bootstrap using blocks of the same length without wrap around Parameters ---------- block_size : int Size of block to use args Positional arguments to bootstrap seed : {Generator, RandomState, int}, optional Seed to use to ensure reproducable results. If an int, passes the value to value to ``np.random.default_rng``. If None, a fresh Generator is constructed with system-provided entropy. random_state : RandomState, optional ``RandomState`` to use to ensure reproducable results. Cannot be used with ``seed`` .. deprecated:: 5.0 The random_state keyword argument has been deprecated. Use seed instead. kwargs Keyword arguments to bootstrap Attributes ---------- data : tuple Two-element tuple with the pos_data in the first position and kw_data in the second (pos_data, kw_data) pos_data : tuple Tuple containing the positional arguments (in the order entered) kw_data : dict Dictionary containing the keyword arguments Notes ----- Supports numpy arrays and pandas Series and DataFrames. Data returned has the same type as the input date. Data entered using keyword arguments is directly accessibly as an attribute. To ensure a reproducible bootstrap, you must set the ``random_state`` attribute after the bootstrap has been created. See the example below. Note that ``random_state`` is a reserved keyword and any variable passed using this keyword must be an instance of ``RandomState``. See Also -------- arch.bootstrap.optimal_block_length Optimal block length estimation arch.bootstrap.StationaryBootstrap Politis and Romano's bootstrap with exp. distributed block lengths arch.bootstrap.CircularBlockBootstrap Circular (wrap-around) bootstrap Examples -------- Data can be accessed in a number of ways. Positional data is retained in the same order as it was entered when the bootstrap was initialized. Keyword data is available both as an attribute or using a dictionary syntax on kw_data. >>> from arch.bootstrap import MovingBlockBootstrap >>> from numpy.random import standard_normal >>> y = standard_normal((500, 1)) >>> x = standard_normal((500,2)) >>> z = standard_normal(500) >>> bs = MovingBlockBootstrap(7, x, y=y, z=z) >>> for data in bs.bootstrap(100): ... bs_x = data[0][0] ... bs_y = data[1]['y'] ... bs_z = bs.z Set the random_state if reproducibility is required >>> from numpy.random import RandomState >>> rs = RandomState(1234) >>> bs = MovingBlockBootstrap(7, x, y=y, z=z, random_state=rs) """ _name = "Moving Block Bootstrap" def __init__( self, block_size: int, *args: ArrayLike, random_state: RandomState | None = None, seed: None | int | Generator | RandomState = None, **kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> None: super().__init__( block_size, *args, random_state=random_state, seed=seed, **kwargs )
[docs] def update_indices(self) -> Int64Array: num_blocks = self._num_items // self.block_size if num_blocks * self.block_size < self._num_items: num_blocks += 1 max_index = self._num_items - self.block_size + 1 indices = _get_random_integers(self._generator, max_index, size=num_blocks) indices = indices[:, None] + np.arange(self.block_size) indices = indices.flatten() if indices.shape[0] > self._num_items: return indices[: self._num_items] else: return indices
class MOONBootstrap(IIDBootstrap): # pragma: no cover def __init__( self, block_size: int, *args: ArrayLike, random_state: RandomState | None = None, seed: None | int | Generator | RandomState = None, **kwargs: ArrayLike, ) -> None: super().__init__(*args, random_state=random_state, seed=seed, **kwargs) self.block_size: int = block_size def update_indices( self, ) -> ( Int64Array | tuple[list[Int64Array], dict[str, Int64Array]] ): # pragma: no cover raise NotImplementedError